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Unilink opens a new office in Adelaide, South Australia

Unilink continues its international expansion with the opening of a new office in Adelaide, South Australia. The Official Opening Ceremony was held on 23rd November.

Among the VIP guests were Government officials, including The Hon. Chris Picton MP, Minister for Correctional Services, Mayor Gary Johanson, Mr Wayne Lines, South Australian Ombudsman, Mr Ian Nightingale, Industry Advocate.

DCS SA which works extensively with Unilink on the KEX Project was well presented with David Brown, Chief Executive, Chris Sexton, Executive Director, People and Business Services, Carol Zulian, Project Manager, Business Improvement Initiatives, Darian Shephard-Bayly, General Manager, Adelaide Women’s Prison & Adelaide Pre-Release Centre.

Unilink’s local team was joined by Francis Toye, CEO and Founder of The Unilink Group, Chris Davies, CEO of Unilink Australia and Zaneta Whitworth, Unilink’s International Business Manager.

The event presented a great opportunity to meet some of the many people that have been involved in the ongoing and very successful KEX project.

Carol Zulian gave a very positive feedback on the project deployment and the Minister Hon. Chris Picton MP appeared to be very interested and fascinated by the Unilink’s system. His speech emphasised the importance of the partnership between DCS SA and Unilink as well as how our technology will assist them in achieving the 10 by 20 goal they are working towards.

Speeches and Ribbon Cutting were shifted inside due to the unseasonal weather in SA – a top of 32 degrees and promise for rain.

The opening of the new office is a clear sign of Unilink’s intention to keep the good relationship and continue its expansion in Australia.

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