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Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- Unilink at Innovation 2025
- The Future of Corrections: How Technology is Transforming Prisons and Probation
- Acknowledging the Cost of Staying Connected: A Message to Families from Unilink
- Transforming Prison Safety: How Technology is Revolutionising Mental Health and Safety in Prisons (the webinar)
- Join Unilink at the ICPA Annual Conference 2024
- Transforming prisons into rehabilitative environments: a vision we share with Lord Timpson
- Celebrating 30 Years of Innovation and Excellence at Unilink
- Revolutionising Prison Environments: The Role of Data and Technology
- Advancing Digital Rehabilitation together
- Securing Tomorrow: the urgency of upgrading prison technology
- Supporting governments to fight recidivism
- Revolutionising Prison Environments: AIM Application Targets Suicide and Self-Harm
- ICPA Annual Conference 2023: Revolutionising Corrections for a Humane Future
- Promoting responsive and connected justice
- Transforming Prison Environments: Unilink’s AIM Application Targets Suicide and Self-Harm
- Harnessing the Power of Technology in the Criminal Justice Sector
- The power of data to transform, drive efficiency and potentially save lives
- Podcast with Unilink’s CEO & Founder Francis Toye
- Finding Social Purpose in a Pandemic
- Can in-cell tech answer some of the challenges in prison?
- Unilink aligned with HMPPS Digital Strategy
- On the last day of NPS & CRCs
- Making Prison and Probation work
- Digital transformation in the Probation Service
- Artificial Intelligence in Offender Management – Could machines be more successful?
- Digital – the new normal for Norwegian prisons
- Make prisons more decent and respectful places and prisoners will change their own lives
- The misuse of Facial Recognition technology serves neither the Police, the public, nor the taxpayer
- Sir Martin Narey addresses Cambridge University students discussing prisons and child neglect
- Empowering prisoners through technology
- The power of communication behind bars
- Technology Change in Prisons
- A digital leap from paper to empowerment – One Prisoner’s View
- More Technology in Prisons will ensure better outcomes for all
- Unilink’s CEO shares leadership tips with RBS Contentlive
- Winning the DL100 was a real springboard
- Prisons and Technology – Scotland
- Prisons and Technology
- Category: News and events
- Unilink Marks Milestone with Successful U-Case Pilot Launch in Norway’s Ila Prison
- Unilink awarded EcoVadis Bronze Medal for Sustainability Excellence
- Seamless transition of prison software at HMP Lowdham Grange
- Unilink awarded nDelius Support and Development Contract with the Ministry of Justice
- Join Us at the Modernising Criminal Justice Conference!
- Unilink Software Wins King’s Award for International Trade, 2023
- Justice partnership spotlight: Unilink-Serco
- It’s official – Unilink is Carbon Neutral
- Unilink at ICPA Annual Conference
- Unilink’s solution is a finalist for three awards
- Join Unilink at Technology in Corrections online conference
- Unilink at SCEPP: Corrections in the light of digital transformation
- Unilink’s CEO with Business Award
- Unilink at Modernising Criminal Justice Virtual Summit
- Unilink is The Santander Growing Business of the Year Finalist
- Prisoners use of digital connection triples during COVID-19 crisis
- Unilink’s self-service powers Norway’s largest prison
- Capturing Silver Linings in a Dark Cloud: COVID-19 as a catalyst to transformation in the criminal justice landscape
- Prisoners in Tasmania stay connected
- Unilink’s self-service – a game changer
- Unilink Group becomes Carbon Neutral in 2020
- Federal Prison Complex Visit – Buenos Aires
- Unilink at ICPA Conference
- Despite Brexit, Unilink tops international competition to win in Norway
- Unilink at Technology in Corrections: Digital Transformation
- Unilink at Security and Policing Home Office event 2019
- Unilink at ICPA Montreal
- Unilink proudly supports Pact
- Unilink at Building the Smarter State
- Francis Toye, CEO of Unilink is Finalist at the 8th annual Enterprise Awards
- Prisoners building prison kiosks to help prisons run better
- Unilink at Modernising Justice Conference
- Gary Monaghan talks Digital Prison, self-service and improving prisons
- Unilink shortlisted in the 2018 Southwark Business Excellence Awards
- Unilink at Technology Enabled Justice
- Unilink at Offender Management 2018 Conference
- Unilink awarded the Best Criminal Justice & Immigration Software Specialists 2018
- The Rt Hon Caroline Nokes MP visits Unilink
- Jacob Rees-Mogg MP visits UTS
- Rt Hon John Redwood MP visits Unilink
- Neil Coyle MP visits Unilink
- Unilink opens a new office in Adelaide, South Australia
- Unilink’s CEO meets Parliamentary Under-Secretary Caroline Nokes MP
- Unilink at Digital Prison? Positive Futures (Edinburgh)
- Unilink’s CEO at Downing Street No: 10
- Unilink at ICPA London
- Unilink wins Best for Software Award 2017
- Families of prisoners want “In”
- TechMarketView: Great British Scaleup Unilink: A prison success story!
- Unilink is part of Great British Scaleup
- Unilink at Modernising Justice 2017
- Unilink is G-Cloud 9 supplier
- Unilink at Technology in Corrections Conference
- Unilink on the way to become Digital SME of the Year
- Positive and innovative practices in HMP Kilmarnock, say Inspectors
- Unilink’s self-service discussed at the 1st International Correctional Research Symposium
- Unilink has won the International Software & Cloud Services Award 2017
- Unilink’s CEO shares experience “How to grow public sector sales”
- Unilink awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation
- Unilink supports the 2016 Longford Lecture
- Francis Toye, MD of Unilink on the Government’s SME Panel
- Unilink at European Custody & Detention Summit
- Unilink at ICPA
- Unilink at CJM 2016
- Unilink honoured by Her Majesty The Queen
- Unilink wins a national contract with MoJ
- Unilink wins another prison in Australia
- Unilink at The Modernising Justice Conference
- The Unilink Group is included in The Leap 100 2016: The definitive list of fast-growth companies
- Unilink is discussing prisons in England and Wales
- Pronounced a Battler!
- Unilink with new award!
- Unilink – at Security and Policing 2016
- Technology in Prison Salon
- Unilink is Equality Certified
- Digital Leaders February Webinar: Prison and Technology
- Unilink’s CEO Francis Toye – special guest at DL Winter Reception
- Acacia Prison won an award for EMAP
- Unilink successfully on G-Cloud 7
- Unilink at ICPA Conference in Melbourne
- Experts agree: IT is crucial to prisoners’ education
- Unilink bolsters senior team with two new non-executive appointments
- Unilink will be at Digital Justice Conference
- Unilink will be exhibiting at Modernising Justice Conference
- Unilink will be at ICPA 17th annual conference
- Unilink is a Gold level ICPA member
- Unilink will be at the Probation in England and Wales Conference
- Unilink is involved in Tackling Domestic Violence Conference
- Unilink will be at Technology in Corrections: Challenges for the Future
- Unilink has been selected for The Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses UK programme
- Unilink will be at #techUK Public Services 2030 Conference
- Unilink at The Future of Integrated Offender Management 2015
- Unilink will be at Security and Policing 2015
- Criminal Justice Management 2014 Conference
- Modernising Justice 2014 Conference
- Unilink continues to be an Investor in People and achieves another award!
- “Achieving a Rehabilitation revolution”
- Unilink shortlisted for the Software Satisfaction Awards 2011
- Corrections Technology Association
- Visitors Biometric Management System in HMP Gartree
- HMP Birmingham New Install
- Unilink Software Business Development Team Expands
- Category: Press release
- Norway Kriminalomsorgen invests in British prison tech
- Unilink helps prisoners to have video visits with friends and family during lockdown
- Prisoners communicate online with families/friends during Covid-19 crisis
- Covid-19 Support and Preparedness
- Prisoners get a digital connection to Samaritans
- Beaumont Colson joins The Unilink Group
- Unilink Technology Services is decreasing the Secure Payment Services fees
- Unilink Technology Services, part of The Unilink Group, has won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for Innovation
- Digital Leaders 2015 Winner – Prison Technology Services, part of Unilink Group
- Category: Uncategorised
- Transforming Prison Safety: Leveraging Technology to Prevent Self-Harm and Suicide
- Unilink Brochures
- Unilink - Helping Prisons and Probation Work
- Digital technology in prisons
- Biometric enabled lockers providing medicine to prisoners at HMP Dovegate
- Flagship Digital Prison HMP Berwyn a vision of how prisons can reduce reoffending
- Prisoner Self-Service helping South Australia to become more efficient
- Scottish Prisons make video calls available across the country
- Norway’s Agder prison invests in Self-Service technology
- Unilink's New Contactless Wave Fingerprint Technology
- 'Prisons: The Last Resort' - Unilink, ICPA, ITN
- ICPA 2017 - Unilink's CMS in use
- Unilink - world leader in prisoner self-service and offender management software
- Testing Unilink's New Touchscreens With Safety Glass
- Testing of Unilink's wall mounted kiosk
- Prisons and Technology Research Findings Webinar - Prof Cynthia McDougall and David Brampton
- ICPA is coming to London
- Technology in Prisons
- Francis Toye
- Sir Alan Beith
- Jerry Petherick
- Mike Conway
- Samantha Lane
- Joshua Davies
- Anthony Jones
- Pauline McFarlane
- Sam Wilds
- Sam Henderson
- Michael Wetherall
- Samuel Moore
- Chris d'Aunay
- Andrew Frankel
- Kevin Meeks
- Karl Foster
- David Ward
- Gavin Gittins
- Sarah Bongard
- Suhail Rahman
- Geir Anders Glotvold
- Chris Davies
- Dimitrios Demiris
- Ann Caple
- Aleksandra Zlatinova
- Simon Negus
- Dave Purkess
- Stacey Wilkins
- Zaneta Whitworth
- Francis Toye